Two interviews

Before a  concert I had  on March 4th in Mengi there were two interviews, both in Icelandic relating to the concerts and the concept behind working with old com...

Fersteinn in Mengi tonight

Tonight, my group Fersteinn will perform in Mengi Reykjavík. We will be performing variuous things from our repertoire, including more percussive music, more in...

La Noche Oscura Del Alma

      Tonestrukt Records, Los Angeles, California has just released this record, La Noche Oscura Del Alma. It is an 80 minute elaboration on reco...

Haltrandi Rósir by Fersteinn

  My band Fersteinn has just now released this record called Haltrandi Rósir. It has some early pieces that have remained popular concert numbers for a while no...

Horpma in SPIN Magazine

I only found out a few days ago that my record Horpma that came out in 2011, was number 17 on an end of year avant list in SPIN Magazine that same year.   ...