Dark Music Days

The concert tonight

Myrkir Músíkdagar or Dark Music Days in Reykjavík are happnening as we speak. Tonight Heiða Árnadóttir will premier my piece Skrafað í skurði as well as pieces by Birgit Djupedal, Þóranna Björnsdóttir and Þórunn Björnsdóttir. She is the special featured artist of this years festival. She had another concert last year where my piece Laberico Narabida was premiered, a micro-opera in 4 movements simultaneously. The piece tonight is a sequel of sorts, or part of a 3 piece cycle which will culminate next year. The concert tonight will take place at Norræna húsið or the Nordic House at 8pm.

The following day, tomorrow, Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir will perform my piece Mamma pikkar á tölvu sumarið 1988 (or Mother writing on a computer, summer 1988) for toy piano. It will take place in Kaldalón, Harpa at 3pm tomorrow February 1st and it’s a children friendly concert, entitled Murky Kids – Toy Piano Story. Both Tinna and Heiða are fabulous performers – they are well worth seeing.