My band Fersteinn did a little tour on the European continent last summer (June/July 2014).
We performed in Brussels, Basel, Rotterdam, Essen, Bonn and Düsseldorf.
We performed in concerts which also featured performances with people like cellist Sue Schlotte, turntablist Marc Matter, vegateblist and computerist Jörg Piringer, clarinetist Kyusang Jeong, and the unpredictable Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim. Also Alexander Brener and Barbara Schurz who undressed and well . . . I´ll tell you later.
I loved all of those places and we met a lot of interesting people and left some of these behind (see contact section for questions on these:
Some of the concerts were in places were people were accustomed to improvised music, others more toward performance art and also new music generally speaking. Naturally speaking we also performed with circus acts and other types of performance artists: