Day | Month | Year | Location | Details |
10 | June | 2025 | Cafe Oto, London | New piece for the Apartment House 25th anniversary concert |
16 | April | 2025 | Salurinn, Kópavogur, Iceland | Magma Guitar duo premiers a new piece. |
20 | March | 2025 | Fríkirkjan, Reykjavík | Premier of the solo opera "Varstu búinn að vera að reyna að ná í mig" parts of it have been premiered separately |
28 | February | 2025 | Mengi, Reykjavík | Fersteinn +1 with Gunnhldur Einardsóttir. New and old pieces |
26 | January | 2025 | tba, Dark Music Days, Reykjavík, Iceland | Riot Ensemble premiers a new work in Dark Music Days |
3 | November | 2024 | Opera Days Reykjavík Festival, Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, Iceland | a performance of the opera Gleðilegi Geðrofsleikurinn |
26 | October | 2024 | Opera Days Reykjavík Festival, Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, Iceland | a performance of the opera Gleðilegi Geðrofsleikurinn |
3 | October | 2024 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland | Fersteinn's long awaited Mengi comeback |
15 | September | 2024 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland | Improvisation with Kiku Day and John McCowen |
4 | September | 2024 | Flói, Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland | Caput Ensemble performs Stífluhringurinn in its entirety and premiers the piece Hringlaga rigning |
10 | August | 2024 | Tingvallakyrkan, Karlstad, Sweden | Simon Halvarsson performs Saddapadda in a concert also with a Saxophonist called Hagström |
15 | May | 2024 | Varmlands Museum, Karlstad, Sweden | Simon Halvarsson premiers Saddapadda |
17 | April | 2024 | SRF Radio, Switzerland | Mut zur Albernheit Das isl↓andische Kollektiv S.L.Á.T.U.R., radio show by Leonie Reinecke on the S.L.Á.T.U.R. collective, with interviews and several works played |
13 | April | 2024 | Wigmore Hall, London, England | Apartment House performs Sitt hvoru megin við þilið |
3 | March | 2024 | Diffusion radio CKRL Québec 89.1 | Selections from Sinfónía played on the radio |
11 | February | 2024 | Karlstad, Sweden | Martin Weland and Simon Halvarsson perform Unglingarnir í Skógiinum along with music by Alvin Lucier and Rosali Grankul |
28 | January | 2024 | Reykjavík Academy of Singing and Vocal Arts, Myrkir Músíkdagar/Dark Music Days | performance of the opera Gleðilegi Geðrofsleikurinn 8 o'clock performance |
28 | January | 2024 | Reykjavík Academy of Singing and Vocal Arts, Myrkir Músíkdagar/Dark Music Days | performance of the opera Gleðilegi Geðrofsleikurinn, 5 o'clock Extra performance |
24 | January | 2024 | Reykjavík Academy of Singing and Vocal Arts, Myrkir Músíkdagar/Dark Music Days | Premier of the opera Gleðilegi Geðrofsleikurinn |
21 | October | 2023 | University of Iceland | Premier of Á gönguferð um Mikley |
27 | September | 2023 | S27 | Fersteinn performing new and old pieces on the last monthly event in S27 |
21 | September | 2023 | Mengi, Reykjavík | Performing in a concert with music by Daryl Jamieson |
20 | September | 2023 | Mengi, Reykjavík | Performing in a concert with music by Daryl Jamieson |
6 | May | 2023 | Mengi, Reykjavík | Steinalda performs old and new pieces. |
22 | April | 2023 | Härnösand, Sweden | Simon Halvarsson and Martin Welander premier Unglingarnir í skóginum at Nymus Live Festival |
11 | February | 2023 | New Music Show, BBC3, UK | Skrölt played on the BBC 3 New Music Show |
28 | January | 2023 | KGNU, Boulder Colorado | Griðungur I. Brokk played in Under the Floorboards by Mark Flanagan on KGNU |
22 | January | 2023 | Noods Radio, Bristol, UK | Dreki II. Brölt from Landvættirnar fjórar performed on Bliss Archive |
22 | December | 2022 | Space Odyessey, Reykjavík, Iceland | Performance in the record store Space Odyssey - which is responsible for the extreme chill festival |
19 | December | 2022 | KGNU, Boulder Colorado | Griðungur I. Brokk played in Present Edge with Ray Wentz at KGNU |
10 | December | 2022 | BBC Radio 3, U.K. | Griðungur 3. Skrölt and Bergrisi 1 Rölt from Landvættirnar fjórar performed on the New Music Show |
28 | November | 2022 | Resonance FM, U.K. | The Sampler Mixtape w/Jamie Hamilton played Gammur 1. Skrið from Landvættirnar fjórar (replay) |
25-26 | November | 2022 | BBC Radio 3, U.K. | Bergrisi 2. - Skeið, from Landvættirnar fjórar Performed in the Late Junction on BBC Radio 3 as part of NOK ensemble's mixtape |
25 | November | 2022 | Resonance FM, U.K. | The Sampler Mixtape w/Jamie Hamilton played Gammur 1. Skrið from Landvættirnar fjórar on Resonance FM |
22 | November | 2022 | Rás 1, RUV, Iceland | Dreki 2. Brölt played in Lofthelgin |
19 | November | 2022 | Barcelona, Spain | SESSIÓ IMPROVISACIÓ ELECTROACÚSTICA. Featuring the piece Laberico Narabida |
16 | November | 2022 | Princeton University, NJ | PLORK (Princeton Laptop Orchestra) performs Oktett no.1 |
15 | November | 2022 | Princeton University, NJ | Lecture on music |
14 | November | 2022 | SUNY Broome, Binghamton, NY | Lecture on music |
11 | November | 2022 | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | Lecture on music |
10 | November | 2022 | Ridgewood Presbytarian Church NYC. NYC-noise. | Concert of new and old material with USA Clangers. Hosted by NYC-Noise. Also featuring Madison Greenstone. |
9 | November | 2022 | Red Room, Baltimore, USA | Concert of new and old material with USA Clangers. Also featuring Bao Nguyen. |
8 | November | 2022 | Rhizome, Washington D.C. USA | Concert of new and old material with USA Clangers. Also featuring Pique Collective |
7 | November | 2022 | Rotunda, Fire Museum presents, Philadelphia, USA | Concert of new and old material with USA Clangers. Also featuring Ben Bennett |
2 | November | 2022 | If you lose your horse, w/Sam Segal @ WFMU, Jersey City - New Jersey | Gammur 1. Skrið, from Landvættirnar fjórar played on radio WFMU see here |
29 | October | 2022 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland | Steinalda performs music from Landvættirnar fjórar along with new and older material. Release concert for Landvættirnar fjórar. |
27 | October | 2022 | RÚV (National Radio) Iceland | Recording of a previous performance of Ensemble Adapter performing Clavis Metrica played on Radio 1 |
16 | October | 2022 | SVP Radio | Craig Dunsmuir's Grotheries plays Gammur I. Skrið from Landvættirnar fjórar |
15 | October | 2022 | Húsdýragarðurinn, Reykjavík, Iceland | A collaborative project with Jesper Pedersen and Páll Ivan frá Eiðum about the Icelandic goat as part of Nordic Music Days. |
14 | October | 2022 | Gamla bíó, Reykjavík, Iceland | Ensemble Adapter premiers The Clavis Metrica of Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson as a part of Nordic Music Days. |
13 | October | 2022 | CHMA 106.9, Sackville New Brunswick | Craig Dunsmuir's Grotheries plays Gammur I. Skrið from Landvættirnar fjórar |
13 | October | 2022 | SVP Radio + wow110 | Craig Dunsmuir's Grotheries plays Gammur I. Skrið from Landvættirnar fjórar |
14 | August | 2022 | Deutschlandfunk, Germany | Leonie Reinecke presents a thorougly researched almost hour long episode about S.L.Á.T.U.R. |
9 | July | 2022 | Hjalteyri, Eyjafjörður, Iceland | Concert in Ómar festival with Birgir Sigurðsson and |
19 | June | 2022 | Elliðaárdalur, Reykjavík | Slátur participates in Listahátið |
26 | May | 2022 | Dynjandi, Iceland Academy of the Arts | Stormkrókur and friends, performing on Halldorophone |
21 | April | 2022 | Fríkirkjan, Reykjavík | Duo Harpverk performs I met Csapo in Saskatoon |
13 | April | 2022 | Mengi, Reykjavík | Improvisation with Travis Johns, Paulina Velazquez Solis, Jesper Pedersen and Páll Ivan frá Eiðum. |
1 | March | 2022 | Norðurljós, Harpa, Reykjavík. | Myrkir Músíkdagar premier of Adibaran Ocirebal by Heiða Árnadóttir |
9 | November | 2021 | Kulturkirken Jakob, Oslo, Norway | Mimitabu ensemble performed Hótel Natúra in a concert of the Nordic Ensemble Collective, which also consisted of the Finnish Fabric Union and the Norwegian TTCM. |
7 | November | 2021 | Cinnober Teater, Göteborg, Sweden. | Mimitabu ensemble performed Hótel Natúra in a concert of the Nordic Ensemble Collective, which also consisted of the Finnish Fabric Union and the Norwegian TTCM. |
6 | November | 2021 | Cinnober Teater, Göteborg, Sweden. | Mimitabu ensemble performed Hótel Natúra in a concert of the Nordic Ensemble Collective, which also consisted of the Finnish Fabric Union and the Norwegian TTCM. |
3 | September | 2021 | Glasir Gymnasium, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands | Students of the gymnasion performed on Gígjas they made in the schools Fablab as a part of Nordic Music Days 2021 (originally 2020) |
6 | March | 2021 | Alþýðuhúsið, Siglufjörður, Iceland | Steinalda pefrorms Landvættirnar fjórar |
10 | February | 2021 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland | Steinalda pefrorms Landvættirnar fjórar |
7 | February | 2021 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland | Steinalda pefrorms Landvættirnar fjórar |
6 | February | 2021 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland | Steinalda premiers Landvættirnar fjórar |
11 | November | 2020 | Stockholm, Sweden | Mimitabu ensemble performs Hótel Natúra with other pieces - postponed |
10 | November | 2020 | Oslo, Norway | Mimitabu ensemble performs Hótel Natúra with other pieces- postponed |
8 | November | 2020 | Gothenburg, Sweden | Mimitabu ensemble performs Hótel Natúra with other pieces- postponed |
5 | November | 2020 | Helsinki, Finland | Mimitabu ensemble performs Hótel Natúra with other pieces- postponed |
30 | October | 2020 | Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjaviík | Lecture exploring ideas revolving around rhythm and notation entitled: When things fall apart |
27 | October | 2020 | ResonanceFM, U.K. | Vorlag played on Future Renaissance hosted by Benjamin Tassie |
14 | October | 2020 | Online Zoom for a Japanese organization called Sakujuku | Online lecture about 3d printed clarinet barrels |
31 | July | 2020 | Berlin, Germany | Toward Sound #1 exhibit of sketches in Hilbertraum Gallery |
23 | June | 2020 | Rúv (National Radio of Iceland) | Sinfónía featured in Víðsjá |
22 | June | 2020 | Rúv (National Radio of Iceland) | Sinfónía featured in Hátalarinn |
18 | June | 2020 | Rúv (National Radio of Iceland) | Stífluhringurinn featured in á tónleikum |
25 | May | 2020 | Glasir Gymnasion, Torshavn, Faroe Islands | As Part of Nordic Music Days, Postponed |
18 | April | 2020 | Alantale, Gothenburg, Sweden | Ensemble Mimitabu will have a 10 year anniversary concert which will feature a premier of my piece Hótel Natúra. - Postponed |
25 | March | 2020 | Design March 2020 | Performance of Contintental Crust on Design March as a part of a collaborative piece with Ma Kowasz and Argitxu Etchebarne - the New Migration - Postponed |
6 | March | 2020 | Düsseldorf | Performance of Spurningaleikur. Details later. |
14 | February | 2020 | Iceland University of the Arts, Laugarnesvegur Reykjavík | Installation on Hugarflug as a part of a collaborative piece with Ma Kowasz and Argitxu Etchebarne - the New Migration |
1 | February | 2020 | Kaldalón, Harpa, Reykjavík | Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir performs Mamma pikkar á tölvu sumarið 1988 as part of Dark Music Days 2020 |
31 | January | 2020 | Nordic House, Reykjavík | Heiða Árnadóttir Premiers Skrafað í Skurði among other new compositions |
2 | November | 2019 | 15:15 concert series, Breiðholtskirkja, Reykjavík, Iceland | Caput Ensemble premiers Þar sem Elliðaáin rennur. |
24 | September | 2019 | Transart Festival, Vigilius Mountain Resort, Lana, Italy | Ensemble Adapter performs kvartett no. 7 amongst other things, as part of their 2019 September Tour |
15 | September | 2019 | Open Days Festival, Utzon Center, Ålborg, Denmark. | Ensemble Adapter performs kvartett no. 7 amongst other things, as part of their 2019 September Tour |
5 | September | 2019 | Music 21 Niederaschen, Eisfabrik, Hanover. | Ensemble Adapter performs Kvartett no.7 as a part of the opening concert for the festival Music 21 Niederaschen. |
28 | July | 2019 | Skálholt Cathederal, Skálholt, Iceland | Elja Ensemble performs í Skuggsjá vængja þinna in concert eftir ólíkum leiðum. |
27 | July | 2019 | Skálholt Cathederal, Skálholt, Iceland | Elja Ensemble premiers í Skuggsjá vængja þinna in concert eftir ólíkum leiðum. |
25 | July | 2019 | Sir Zelman Cowen School of Performing Arts, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia | Decibel Ensemble performs Leyfðu Hjólinu |
9 | June | 2019 | Onassis, Exhibition Hall, Athens, Greece | S.L.Á.T.U.R. Children's workshop will perform Hundi in a program of S.L.Á.T.U.R. hits. |
31 | May | 2019 | Einstein - Kultur - Halle 3 as part of aDevantgarde festival Munich. | Ensemble Adapter performs Kvartett no. 7 |
28 | April | 2019 | WDR 3, Germany | Hörkvartett played on a radio program curated by Gerhard Stäbler |
13 | April | 2019 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Einvaldsóður Release Party. Heiða Árnadóttir performs Laberico Narabida. |
16 | March | 2019 | University of Liverpool, Gordon Stephenson Building, Liverpool, UK | The Ligeti Quartet performs Sitt hvoru megin við þilið as part of Interactive Traces, Open Circuit Festival at the University of Liverpool, with lots of other works using animated notation and similar methods. |
14 | March | 2019 | The University of Huddersfield Music Department, Huddersfield UK | A lecture about the Icelandic school of animated notation and my own work. |
8 | March | 2019 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Fengjastrútur Premiers a Symphony |
15 | February | 2019 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Heiða Árnadóttir performs LabericoNarabida in a concert for solo voice and electronics. |
1 | February | 2019 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Heiða Árnadóttir premiers LabericoNarabida in a concert for solo voice and electronics as part of Dark Music Days 2019. |
18 | October | 2018 | EarPort, Duisburg, Germany | Generationen, Ensemble CRUSH from Duisburg performs a collage written by 20 composers dedicated to the anniversaries of Juan Allende-Blin, Hans Joachim Hespos, Kunsu Shim, Gwyn Pritchard and Alwyn Pritchard. |
17 | October | 2018 | Kunst-Station St. Peter, Köln, Germany | Generationen, Ensemble CRUSH from Duisburg performs a collage written by 20 composers dedicated to the anniversaries of Juan Allende-Blin, Hans Joachim Hespos, Kunsu Shim, Gwyn Pritchard and Alwyn Pritchard. |
11 | October | 2018 | Zentralbibliothek Essen, Essen, Germany | Generationen, Ensemble CRUSH from Duisburg performs a collage written by 20 composers dedicated to the anniversaries of Juan Allende-Blin, Hans Joachim Hespos, Kunsu Shim, Gwyn Pritchard and Alwyn Pritchard. |
7 | October | 2018 | Norðurljós, Harpa, Reykjavík | String Quartet Siggi premiers Sitt hvoru megin við þilið. |
31 | August | 2018 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Whale Choir performed twice by students in LHI organized by María Sól Ingólfsdóttir |
3 | July | 2018 | Old Low Light Heritage Centre , Northern England | Whale Choir - a collaboration with Marina Rees premiered with local participants |
26 | May | 2018 | Icelandic Embassy, Berlin, Germany. | Ensemble Adapter performs Quartet no. 7 |
14 | April | 2018 | Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavik | Fersteinn performed at a zine fair hosted by Sam Rees. |
13 | April | 2018 | Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik, Iceland. | A lecture about my opera Einvaldsóður for composition students and open to the public. |
31 | January | 2018 | De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K. | The Ligeti Quartet performed the 3rd movement of Kvartett no. 7 in a recital displaying several different kinds of live or animated notation. |
24 | January | 2018 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Members of Fersteinn and Fengjastrútur perform Eight Octets: Light Pieces for Pauline Oliveros |
20 | January | 2018 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | S.L.Á.T.U.R. New Years Concert. Áki Ásgeirsson premiers: Horfðu í augun á mér á meðan ég tala við þig. |
27 | December | 2017 | Kaldalón, Harpa, Reykjavík | Performance with Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir in the Norður og niður Festival |
4 | December | 2017 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Participaiton in Mánudagsboltinn, a monthly collective improvisation event |
22 | November | 2017 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Fersteinn release concert for the record Lárviður. |
20 | November | 2017 | The Botanical Garden in Oulu Finland. | Duo Taifun: Timo Kinnunen - accordion and Nina Janssen-Deinzer - bass clarinet premier Skatthlaup. |
9 | November | 2017 | Reykjavík Academy of Singing and Vocal Arts workshop. | Workshop on composition-composing and arranging. |
3 | November | 2017 | Society of Graduate Students at the University of Iceland. | Lecture on Einvaldsóður the Opera or Poem on Monarchy. |
2 | November | 2017 | Reykjavík Academy of Singing and Vocal Arts workshop. | Lecture/workshop on Composition-text and music. |
31 | October | 2017 | Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Selected a capella movement from Einvaldsóður or Poem on Monarchy performed in an event commemorating the reformation and a book release for a book of scholarly articles on Luther. |
26 | October | 2017 | Reykjavík Academy of Singing and Vocal Arts workshop. | Workshop on composition |
22 | October | 2017 | Árbær Open Air Museum, Reykjavík. | Performance of Einvaldsóður or Poem on Monarchy - Opera in 4 Acts. |
21 | October | 2017 | Árbær Open Air Museum, Reykjavík. | Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir performs Mamma pikkar á tölvu, sumarið 1988 for Toy Piano on a mostly piano concert. |
21 | October | 2017 | Árbær Open Air Museum, Reykjavík. | Premier of Einvaldsóður or Poem on Monarchy - Opera in 4 Acts. |
22 | September | 2017 | Graffiti Gallery, Winnipeg MB, Canada | Field//// premiers the "grid" called The Loft. |
14 | September | 2017 | Ultima Festival Sentralen, Oslo, Norway | Tøyen Fil og Klafferi premier Leyfðu Barninu at the Ultima Festival |
3 | June | 2017 | Wenhsui Cultural and Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan. | Timo Kinnunen premiers 3 songs for Accordion, written in 2012. |
29 | April | 2017 | Sunnlenska bókakaffið, Selfoss, Iceland. | Tøyen Fil og Klafferi performs Leyfðu Hjólinu amongst other things. |
28 | April | 2017 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Tøyen Fil og Klafferi performs Leyfðu Hjólinu amongst other things. |
15 | March | 2017 | Periferien (NyMusikk), Oslo, Norway | Tøyen Fil og Klafferi performs Leyfðu Hjólinu amongst other things. |
4 | March | 2017 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Portrait concert in Mengi. Una Sveinbjarnadóttir, Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir and Ensemble Fengjastrútur perform various pieces from over a 10 year period. |
28 | February | 2017 | Atalante, Göteburg, Sweden | Tøyen Fil og Klafferi performs Leyfðu Hjólinu amongst other things. |
23 | February | 2017 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Fersteinn performing variuous pieces including Hörkvartett 2 and 3 and various Octets, plus the premier of Kvartett 16 and 18. |
21 | February | 2017 | NyMusikk, Trondheim, Norway | Tøyen Fil og Klafferi premiers Leyfðu Hjólinu. |
27 | January | 2017 | Kaldalón, Harpa, Reykjavík. | The piece Færibandið performed by the audience, school children mostly, as a part of Töfrahurðin. |
27 | January | 2017 | Dark Music Days 2017. Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Lecture and panel discussion on Animated Notation. Hosted by Centre for Research in Music (CRiM - Iceland Academy of the Arts). Bergrún Snæbjörnsdóttir, Þráinn Hjálmarsson, Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir, Áki Ásgeirsson were also speaking and moderator Einar Torfi Einarsson. |
20 | December | 2016 | Hljómskálinn, Reykjavík | Fersteinn release concert for Haltrandi Rósir. Various old and new pieces performed. |
27 | November | 2016 | The Nordic House, Reykjavík | 15:15 concert series, Dúó Harpverk performs Njarharður from 2010 in a concert dedicated to works by S.L.Á.T.U.R. associated composers. |
20 | October | 2016 | RÚV 1, Iceland | Radio 1 or RÚV 1 broadcasted a concert which included Vespuhreiðrið or Wasp's Nest. |
12 | October | 2016 | WNYU, New York, U.S.A. | Lardipésa and Horpma broadcasted in Wabi-Sabi on WNYU. |
5 | October | 2016 | SWR2, Germany | SWR2 or the South-Western German National Radio broadcasted an episode of the program JetztMusik which in this case was about Nordic Music Days and begins with it's feature of Lokkur. |
4 | October | 2016 | Iceland | The National Radio of Iceland broadcasts the concert which featured Konsert fyrir Lokk from the week before on RÚV1. |
1 | October | 2016 | Nordic Music Days 2016. Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland. | A panel discussion about the instrument Lokkur and possible historical context. Centered around the work of Berglind María Tómasdóttir, hosted by Elísabet Indra. Bryndís Björnsdóttir and Karólína Eiríksdóttir were also speaking and Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir sang. |
30 | September | 2016 | Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Nordic Music Days. Slátur premier Sprautaður í rassinn. |
30 | September | 2016 | Harpa, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Nordic Music Days, The Caput Ensemble along with Berglind María Tómasdóttir premier Konsert fyrir Lokk. |
11 | September | 2016 | Sölvhóll in Iceland Academy of the Arts in the CRU or Composer's Research Unit or L.A.R.M. (Lab for artistic research in music) | Various topics about notating for the instrument called Halldorophone or simply Dorophone. My lecture is about the use of animated notation in the context of the Halldorophone. |
9 | September | 2016 | Literaturhaus, Copenhagen, Denmark. | Sonic 5.0 festival or Echea. Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir performs Mamma pikkar á tölvu sumarið 1988. |
30 | July | 2016 | Skálholt, Iceland | Georgia Browne performs Vespuhreiðrið as a part of the Skálholt music festival or Sumartónleikar í Skálholti. |
28 | July | 2016 | Skálholt, Iceland | Georgia Browne performs Vespuhreiðrið as a part of the Skálholt music festival or Sumartónleikar í Skálholti. |
20 | June | 2016 | WNYU, New York, U.S.A. | Hrammdæla, Kortamel and Hland Kráka by Skarmarten were broadcasted in Petta Reddast on WNYU. |
6 | June | 2016 | WNYU, New York, U.S.A. | Lardipésa and Horpma broadcasted in Petta Reddast on WNYU. |
4 | June | 2016 | WNYU, New York, U.S.A. | Lardipésa and Horpma broadcasted in Petta Reddast on WNYU. |
5 | May | 2016 | WNYU, New York, U.S.A. | The pieces Kortamel, Spurningaleikur and Kvartett 8 broadcasted in Petta Reddast. |
15 | April | 2016 | Koncertkirken, Copenhagen, Denmark. | A premier of Vespuhreiðrið for solo Traverso performed by Georgia Browne as part of a concert by the ensemble Nordic Affect. |
30 | March | 2016 | WNYU, New York, U.S.A. | Safmana and Laur performed in Radio Show Petta Reddast on WNYU. |
29 | January | 2016 | Harpa Concert Hall, Reykjavík, Iceland. | Premier of Erfiljóð handa Guðmundi by the Caput Ensemble as a part of Myrkir Músíkdagar or Dark Music Days. |
17 | December | 2015 | De Player, Rotterdam, Netherlands. | Goodiepal leads performers through a few animated scores including Hundi. |
14 | December | 2015 | Jazzhouse, Copenhagen, Denmark. | Goodiepal leads performers through a few animated scores including Hundi. |
13 | December | 2015 | The Concert Hall in Skolegade 4, Hjoerring, Denmark. | Haustlag performed as part of a concert curated by the Snow Mask Composers Group. |
7 | November | 2015 | Friedriks Stad, Norway. | Sound of Music Friedriks Stad. Toyen Fil og Klafferi performed Siglitør. |
19 | September | 2015 | Ålborg Kloster, Ålborg, Denmark | Premier of my electronic piece Haustlag in Ålborg Kloster, Ålborg, Denmark as part of Open Days New Music Festival |
19 | September | 2015 | Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland | A concert with myself, Benedikt Hermann Hermannsson, Kippi Kaninus, Páll Ivan frá Eiðum, Arnljotur Sigurdsson, Kira Kira a Scottish sound artists and lots of other people. |
8 | September | 2015 | Cafe Rosenberg, Reykjavík, Iceland | Duo Harpverk performs I met Csapo in Saskatoon for the 3rd time in their annual fall concert at Cafe Rosenberg, along with various other, mostly new pieces. |
27 | Agust | 2015 | KALX 90.7 FM in Berkeley California, U.S.A. | The piece Horpma I performed in Information Overload in KALX 90.7 radio station in Berkeley California. |
30 | Agust | 2015 | Skúlagata, Reykjavík, Iceland | Premier of the piece 240°-Cantus Firmus. A pastiche piece based on the style of Áki Ásgeirsson and for his birthday. |
22 | Agust | 2015 | Reykjavík, Iceland | Rafvirkinn. Birgir Sigurðsson the Electrician does electricity according to his craft while I do music according to my craft. |
18 | July | 2015 | Reykjavík, Iceland | Concert at Mengi with Fred Frith, Heike Liss and guests. We will perform from graphics by Heike Liss that is Fred Frith, Myself, Þráinn Hjálmarsson, Páll Ivan frá Eiðum and Jesper Pedersen. |
4 | July | 2015 | Reykjavík, Iceland | Dúó Harpverk will perform I met Csapo in Saskatoon in Mengi, Reykjavík. |
3 | July | 2015 | Selfoss, Iceland | Dúó Harpverk premiers the piece I met Csapo in Saskatoon and other pieces as well. The concert will take place at Sunnlenska Bókakaffið in Selfoss in the South of Iceland |
20 | June | 2015 | Jyderup, Sjælland, Denmark. | A performance on a lake with a workshop led by Goodiepal as part of the Jyderup Accordion Træf 2015. Performance of Hundi. |
8 | June | 2015 | Reykjavík, Iceland | Charles Ross 50th anniversary concert in the Jaðarber concert series at the Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhús. I performed the piece Fox (or a revision called Boxed Set) along with Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir, Frank Aarnink and Þráinn Hjálmarsson. Almost the same group performed it 6 years ago. |
9 | May | 2015 | Reykjavík, Iceland | S.L.Á.T.U.R. concert in Kex Hostel with Katt Hernandez and Swedish artists in collaboration with Fylkingen in Stockholm. |
6 | May | 2015 | Reykjavík, Iceland | Jesper Pedersen's portrait concert in the Jaðarber concert series in the Hafnarhús, Reykjavík Art Museum. |
17 | April | 2015 | Reykjavík, Iceland | S.L.Á.T.U.R. & Sarah Kenchington perform collaborative pieces at the Tectonics Festival 2015, Reykjavík. |
7 | April | 2015 | Winnipeg, MB, Canda | field////, Katelin Parsons and Andy Rudolph perform octets and other pieces at Videopool at the Art Spaces building in the Exchange district of Winnipeg Manitoba. |
27 | March | 2015 | TGIF monthly lecture series at the Scandinavian Center in Winnipeg, Manitoba. | Lecture on the Rímur epic song tradition in Iceland and its various appearances in modern context. The lecture ended with a performance by some attendants of the Rímur workshop. |
22 | March | 2015 | London, UK | S.L.Á.T.U.R. concert at Cafe Oto, London. Program tba. |
15 | March | 2015 | Oslo, Norway | Tøyen fil og klafferi perfrm Siglitør in Notam, Oslo. |
8-22 | March | 2015 | The Scandinavian Center in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | Workshop on the Rímur epic song tradition in Iceland. |
3-10 | March | 2015 | The course Icelandic Contemporary Culture in the Icelandic Department of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba (in Canada). | Lecture on Icelandic Music History, in a brief but broad context. |
29 | January | 2015 | Essen | concert in Zentralbibliothek Essen, Gildehof, Hollestraße 3. Ensemble CRUSH will perform one of my pieces along with works by Alwynne Pritchard, Josef Anton Riedl, Dieter Schnebel, Kunsu Shim, Gerhard Stäbler and Lukas Tobiassen. |
17 | January | 2015 | Winter Akademie in Schloss Benrath, near Düsseldorf, Germany. | Ensemble CRUSH along with members of the previous workshops will premier a new piece at 5pm in Schloss Benrath, Düsseldorf. Final event of Earport Winter Akademie 2015 Düsseldorf - Natürlich Schön. |
15-16 | January | 2015 | Winter Akademie in Schloss Benrath, near Düsseldorf, Germany. | Animated notation. Collaboration with CRUSH Ensemble, students of Christian Jerendriko in the design school in Düsseldorf and students from the Music Academy in Düsseldorf. Also presenting were Alwynne Pritchard and the one and only Dieter Schnebel. The hosts and organizers were Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim. |
14 | January | 2015 | Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf | Ensemble CRUSH along with me performs oktett no.6 at Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf. Also there will be works on the program by Iannes Xenakis, Maurice Ravel, laMonte Young, Alwynne Prithcard, Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim. |
9 | January | 2015 | Kvæðamannafélagið Iðunn (Icelandic Epic Chant Society) Gerðuberg, Breiðholt Reykjavík, Iceland. | Lecture on the notation of Icelandic folk music in a regular monthly meeting of the over 80 year old Iðunn epic folk singing society. |
8-9 | January | 2015 | Ingunnarskóli, Grafarholt, Reykjavík, Iceland | Experiment with animated notation in the classroom of music classes in Ingunnarskóli. |
4 | January | 2015 | Reykjavík | S.L.Á.T.U.R. New years concert. Premier of Quartet no. 18 by Fersteinn and many other pieces including my performance of a new work by Ingi Garðar Erlendsson. |
14 | December | 2014 | Oslo | Tøyen fil og klafferi perfrm Siglitør in Ny Musikk in Oslo. |
18 | November | 2014 | Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavík. | Lecture about my use of animated notation. |
15 | November | 2014 | National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavík. | Lecture on the notation of Icelandic folk music in a symposium dedicated to the studies of Hreinn Steingrímsson on Icelandic performance of epic poetry called rímur or rímnakveðskapur. |
9 | November | 2014 | S-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands | Nordic Affect performs my piece Kortamel for period instruments in the November Music festival in S-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. |
4 | November | 2014 | Radio Klara, Belgium | Kortamel played on the Klara radio in Belgium, in the Late Night Lab. Performed by Nordic Affect from the concert in the Transit Festival in Leuven, Belgium. |
28 | October | 2014 | Radio Klara, Belgium | Kortamel played on the Klara radio in Belgium, in the Late Night Lab. Performed by Nordic Affect from the concert in the Transit Festival in Leuven, Belgium. |
25 | October | 2014 | Leuven, Belgium | Nordic Affect performs my piece Kortamel for period instruments in the Transit Festival in Leuven, Belgium. |
19 | October | 2014 | Hafnarfjörður, Iceland | Markus Hohti premiers Suite for Halldorophone in the Hljóðön or Phoneme concert series in Hafnarborg in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. |
11 | October | 2014 | Reykjavík | Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson from Adapter Ensemble premiered 5 Norræn Abstraktverk in a concert in Reykjavík Art Museum as a part of Sláturtíð Festival in Iceland. |
11 | October | 2014 | Húsafell, Iceland | another performance of Siglitør by the Norwegian ensemble Tøyen fil og klafferi in Húsafell Iceland. |
10 | October | 2014 | Borgarnes, Iceland | another performance of Siglitør by the Norwegian ensemble Tøyen fil og klafferi in Borgarnes, Iceland. |
9 | October | 2014 | Reykjavík | the Norwegian ensemble Tøyen fil og klafferi premiers a Sigltør in Reykjavík Art Museum as a part of Sláturtíð Festival in Iceland. |
4 | October | 2014 | Glasgow | The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in Glasgow will premiere the piece Sporgýla on a concert conducted by Ilan Volkov with all brand new all Icelandic works. |
3 | October | 2014 | Music Department at the University of Glasgow. | Lecture along with Halldór Úlfarsson and Charles Ross on developments of applied technology in Icelandic Experimental Music and generally musical developments in and around Reykjavík. |
2 | October | 2014 | Glasgow | concert at Sharmanka, Glasgow with Ilan Volkov, Neil Davidson, Charles Ross, Severine Ballon, Þráinn Hjálmarsson, Hlynur Aðils Vilmarsson and Liene Rozite. |
28 | August | 2014 | Maynooth, Ireland | Concert in Maynooth Ireland as part of the ISSTC conference hosted by ISSTA (the Irish Sound Science and Technology Association) at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. |
28 | August | 2014 | University of Maynooth, Ireland | Keynote speech in the ISSTA convocation where I spoke about new musical developments in Iceland, surrounding the S.L.Á.T.U.R. collective. This included talk about experimental instruments and animated notation. |
23 | August | 2014 | Eskifjörður, Iceland | Concert in Eskifjarðarkirkja (east of Iceland) as a part of Eiðar Composer Farm, performance on Dorophone or Halldorophone along with Kirstine Lindemann. |
22 | August | 2014 | Egilsstaðir, Iceland | Concert in Sláturhúsið Egilsstaðir (east of Iceland) as part of Eiðar Composer Farm. Members performed Oktett no.6 and Það sem við lærðum á lædómsöldinni. |
21 | August | 2014 | Eiðar Composer Farm Workshop in Eiðar, East of Iceland. | Concert in Eiðar (east of Iceland) as part of Eiðar Composer Farm. Members performed Oktett no.6. |
20 | August | 2014 | Eiðar Composer Farm Workshop in Eiðar, East of Iceland. | Lecture on my compositional worldview and working habits to participants in the Eiðar Composer Farm Workshop |
1 | July | 2014 | Düsseldorf | Fersteinn performs in Bergkirche Düsseldorf in collaboration with Earport, i.e. Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim. They are also performing and so is Kyosang Jeong. |
30 | June | 2014 | Bonn | Fersteinn performs in Bonn with Sue Schlotte in Alte Kirche Rosenburgweg/Nikolausstaße. |
29 | June | 2014 | Essen | Fersteinn performs in Forum fur Kunst und Arkitektur in Essen, (in collaboration with Kyusang Jeong, Gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim). |
27 | June | 2014 | Rotterdam | Fersteinn performs in De Player, Rotterdam with Marc Matter and Jörg Piringer in an event called OCH TOCH. |
25 | June | 2014 | Basel | Fersteinn performs in Christoph Schiller's Atelier Konzerte in Basel, Switzerland. |
24 | June | 2014 | Brussel | Fersteinn performs in Brussels at Impremiere Ephemere hosted by les alices collectif. |
9 | June | 2014 | Cork, Ireland | An evening with Pauline Oliveros at the Guesthouse in Cork, Ireland. I along with several Irish sound artists (including Mick O'Shea, Danny McCarthy, Harry Moore and a few others) performed a work by Pauline Oliveros with her own live text instructions. This happened to be at the end of my residency at the Guesthouse. |
7 | June | 2014 | Rovaniemi, Finland | Timo Kinnunen and Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir perform raBalilabalila for Accordion and Piano in Silence Festival or hijaisuus festivaali by Rovaniemi, Finland. |
4 | June | 2014 | Los Angeles, California | Dogstar Orchestra perform Spurningaleikur in Curved Line Space in Los Angeles as a part of program of music by the S.L.Á.T.U.R. collective. |
26 | May | 2014 | Århus | Aksiom Ensemble perform Kvartett no.7 in Ambassaden in Århus, Denmark in collaboration with AUT. |
16 | May | 2014 | Bergen | Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir performs Mamma að pikka á tölvu sumarið 1988 in S12 gallery og verkstæd in Bergen, Norway. |
15 | May | 2014 | Timisoara, Romania | Timisoara International Music Festival, Timisoara Romania. Italian pianist Roberto Durante will perform my piece Safmana from 2012. |
11 | May | 2014 | Glasgow | Tectonics Glasgow, S.L.Á.T.U.R. performs S.L.Á.T.U.R., 7 members of the collective perform a few pieces from the last 5 years or so. Fruit Market Hall Glasgow. Hosted by the Scottish BBC Symphony and curated by Ilan Volkov. |
10 | May | 2014 | Glasgow | Tectonics Glasgow, performance of Metal & Breath by Christian Wolff by members of the S.L.Á.T.U.R. collective. Hosted by the Scottish BBC Symphony and curated by Ilan Volkov. |
5 | May | 2014 | Reykjavík | S.L.Á.T.U.R. concert in Mengi, Reykjavík. |
20 | March | 2014 | Reykjavík | Fersteinn performed at ITM/Útón opening of a space in Laugarvegur 105 Reykjavík, also performing was Dj Flugvél og Geimskip and Reykjavík Mayor Jón Gnarr. |
28 | February | 2014 | Hugarflug conference on Education and Arts at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. | Lecture on different ideas and issues around instrumental extensions and custom made instrumets using laser cutting 3d printing. |
26 | February | 2014 | Oslo | Aksiom Ensemble performs Kvartett no. 7 in Oslo, Norway |
21 | February | 2014 | Stavanger, Norway | Aksiom Ensemble performs Kvartett no. 7 in Stavanger, Norway. |
7 | February | 2014 | Reykjavík | Improvised music concert in Mengi Óðinsgata, with Ilan Volkov, Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir, Kría Brekkan, Gyða Valtýsdóttir, Áki Ásgeirsson and Hlynur Aðils Vilmarsson. |
2 | February | 2014 | Reykjavík | Færibandið performed in "Strings in a Time-Warp" concert in Dark Music Days, Harpa, Reykjavík. |
25 | January | 2014 | Reykjavík | Mengi, Reykjavík. Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir premiers „Mamma pikkar á tölvu, sumarið 1988“ for toy piano in a solo recital for toy piano. |
10 | January | 2014 | Reykjavík | Mengi, Reykjavík. S.L.Á.T.U.R. New Years concert. Skrund 1,2 and 3 premiered on for clarinets with standardized 3d printed alternative clarinet barrels. |
22 | October | 2013 | St. Petersburg | St. Petersburg, Russia. Defun Ensemble performs Hakkalamaka in the Society of Russian Composers Hall. |
21 | October | 2013 | Iceland, National Radio | RUV National Radio of Iceland broadcasts music from Sláturtíð including Spurningaleikur. Directed by Ingibjörg Eyþórsdóttir. |
20 | October | 2013 | Tallinn | Tallinn, Estonia. Defun Ensemble performs Hakkalamaka in Estonia Concert Hall. |
19 | October | 2013 | Reykjavík | Reykjavík, Fengjastrútur premiers Spurningaleikur during Sláturtíð 2014. |
16 | October | 2013 | Helsinki | Helsinki, Hakkalamaka, revised version performed by Defun Ensemble in Nordic Music Days 2013. |
25 | August | 2013 | Reykjavík | The piece Sólarlag við Tjörnina, 64 variations premiered in Hljómskálinn in Reykjavík in collaboration with the installation "Hljómskálinn - Frá Lúðrum að Lýðræði" which overlaps with the piece and music from the history of the building. |
24 | August | 2013 | Basel | Basel. Hundi performed in a concert in Christoph Schiller's Atelier Konzerte. Played along with compositions by James Saunders by a large group of improvisors and experimental musicans in the Basel scene. |
24 | August | 2013 | Reykjavík | The piece Sólarlag við Tjörnina, 64 variations premiered in Hljómskálinn in Reykjavík in collaboration with the installation "Hljómskálinn - Frá Lúðrum að Lýðræði" which overlaps with the piece and music from the history of the building. |
17 | August | 2013 | Reykjavík | The piece Sólarlag við Tjörnina, 64 variations premiered in Hljómskálinn in Reykjavík in collaboration with the installation "Hljómskálinn - Frá Lúðrum að Lýðræði" which overlaps with the piece and music from the history of the building. |
16 | August | 2013 | Reykjavík | The piece Sólarlag við Tjörnina, 64 variations premiered in Hljómskálinn in Reykjavík in collaboration with the installation "Hljómskálinn - Frá Lúðrum að Lýðræði" which overlaps with the piece and music from the history of the building. |
13 | June | 2013 | Den Haag | Kvartett 8 performed by Þráinn Hjálmarsson and guests at the Ephemere concert series in Studio Loos in Den Haag, Netherlands. |
19 | April | 2013 | Reykjavík | Iceland Symphony Orchestra premiers Grafgata under the baton of Ilan Volkov during the Tectonics Festival. |
3 | April | 2013 | Reykjavík | Fersteinn opens up for GrúskaBabúska on a release concert in Kex Hostel Reykjavík. Mikael Lind was also performing. |
27 | March | 2013 | Reykjavík | Performance of works by Kunsu Shim and Gerard Stäbler in the Jaðarber concert series at the Reykjavík Art Museum. |
27 | February | 2013 | Reykjavík | Jaðarber concert dedicated to the works of Þráinn Hjálmarsson and Alvin Lucier (feedback) at Reykjavík Art Museum. |
2 | February | 2013 | Reykjavík | Nordic Affect performed the piece Kortamel for the second time in Dark Music Days. The piece is for Baroque instruments. |
13 | January | 2013 | Reykjavík | S.L.Á.T.U.R. New years concert. Korgel premiered. The piece is for harmonium, saxophone, harmonica and accordion. |
16 | November | 2012 | Göteborg | Göteborg, Sweden. Fengjastrútur performs music by S.L.Á.T.U.R. members at the Geiger Festival in Cinnober Teater. They performed my piece Hundi and countless other S.L.Á.T.U.R. pieces during two concerts and a workshop. |
14 | November | 2012 | Istanbul | Istanbul, Turkey. Ensemble Adapter performed Kvartett no. 7 along with pieces by S.L.Á.T.U.R. members and other Icelandic composers at the Borusan Music House hosted by Borusan New Series. |
4 | November | 2012 | Reykjavík | Reykjavík, Iceland. Nordic Affect an ensemble of period instruments premiered the piece Kortamel in Þjóðmenningarhúsið as a part of their own concert series there. The piece was in the middle of a program of baroque music. |
27 | October | 2012 | Reykjavík | Fersteinn premiered Kvartett no. 13 at Sláturtíð Festival in Reykjavík Arts Museum. |
19 | October | 2012 | Music Department at the Iceland Academy of Arts, Reykjavík, Iceland | „Hrynur, klausur og hendur“ - A lecture about my own work. |
28 | September | 2012 | Berlin | Berlin. Ensemble Adapter performed the piece Kvartett no. 7 at the Nordlichter Biennale in Berlin along with pieces by other S.L.Á.T.U.R. members. |
22 | August | 2012 | Montabelluna | Montabelluna, Italy. Roberto Durante performed Safmana at Villa Correr Pisani. |
26 | July | 2012 | Treviso | Trevsio, Italy. Roberto Durante premiered Safmana at Chiostro di Santa Catarina in Treviso, Italy as part of the series Musei d'Estate 2012. |
1 | June | 2012 | Reykjavík | Fersteinn performs in the Nordic House as part of Messa art conference. |
4 | May | 2012 | Århus | Hundi performed at the SPOT festival by an ensemble led by members of the S.L.Á.T.U.R. collective. |
19 | April | 2012 | Reykjavík | Laur performed by Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra in Tjarnarbíó as part of Reykjavík Children Culture Festival. |
5 | March | 2012 | Czech Republic | Mardiposa played on the Czech Radio 3-Vltava. |
3 | March | 2012 | Reykjavík | Horpma III premiered in Harpa Concert Hall as part of the Tectonics Festival curated by Ilan Volkov. |
14 | February | 2012 | Reykjavík | A Jaðarber concert in Kjarvalsstaðir, a Cage centenary where I will perform my own rendition of Fontana Mix along with others. |
6 | February | 2012 | Poland | Mardiposa played in the Polish radio show Nowe Kontrapunkty in Polskie Radio. |
5 | February | 2012 | Iceland, National Radio. | Broadcast of Laur on the National Radio of Iceland. |
29 | January | 2012 | Reykjavík | Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra premiers Laur. |
27 | January | 2012 | Reykjavík | Iceland Symphony Orchestra's Tónskáldastofa. Grafgata. A workshop with Hans Abramsen. |
7 | January | 2012 | Reykjavík | S.L.Á.T.U.R.'s new year concert. An electronic excerpt from Kvartett 11 performed. |
22 | December | 2011 | France | Excerpt from Horpma II played in Droit de Cités on a playlist curated by Shayna Dunkelmann for the French webSYNradio. |
15 | December | 2011 | Reykjavík | Fersteinn birthday concert in Hljómskálinn. |
18 | November | 2011 | Seltjarnarnes, Reykjavík, Kópavogur and Hafnarfjörður. | Seltjarnarnes, Reykjavík, Kópavogur and Hafnarfjörður. The Fersteinn Library tour. 4 concerts in one day. Performances of Kvartett no. 11, no. 8, no. 7 and no. 5 performed along with some of the Langspil songs. |
15 | October | 2011 | Middelburg | Performance by Fersteinn in Vhlesaal as part of the exibit We care, We can, We can't |
14 | October | 2011 | Rotterdam | Performance by Fersteinn in De Player. |
13 | October | 2011 | Den Haag | Performance by Fersteinn in Delta. |
7 | October | 2011 | Reykjavík | Performance by Fersteinn in the Nýhil International Poetry Festival, quartet no. 8 and 11 performed. |
4 | October | 2011 | Riga | Riga, Latvia. Oneplusone (Timo Kinnunen and Anna Veismane) premiers raBalilabalila. |