List of works

CompositionYearCategoryInstrumentationFirst Performance
Öldugangur á öldrunarheimilinu2025Chamberguitar, violin, viola, violoncelloBy Riot Ensemble in Kaldalón, Harpa, ReykjavíkJanuary 25th 2025
Hringlaga rigning2024Chamberflute, oboe, clarinet in Bb, bassoon, trumpet in C, percussion, piano, 2 violins, viola, violoncello + optional electronicsCaput Ensemble as part of the Stífluhringurinn release concert on September 4th 2024 in Flói, Harpa Reykjavík with th
Saddapadda2024Chamber (solo)Solo percussionMay 15th 2024 at Varmlandsmuseum Karlstad by Simon Halvarsson
Gleðilegi Geðrofsleikurinn2021-2023Opera3 solo singers, 12 piece choir, flute, clarinet, violin, piano and accordion + electronicsJanuary 2024 in Dark Music Days
Á gönguferð um Mikley2023Chamber 4 instruments (quasi-open instrumentation)21 October 2023 in Edda, University of Iceland by members of Steinalda
Hornspyrna2023Chamber (solo)French Horn and electronicsTBA
Unglingarnir í Skóginum2023Chamber2 percussionistsApril 21st 2023 in Harnösand, Sweden.
Hanni fer á Hlöðver2022Chamberrecorder, viola, guitar, percussionNovember 7th 2022 in Rotunda presented by The Fire Museum in Philadelphia, PA USA by the USA Clangers
Hanni fer á Hindver2022Chamberrecorder, viola, guitar, percussionNovember 7th 2022 in Rotunda presented by The Fire Museum in Philadelphia, PA USA by the USA Clangers
Ummahumm2022Chamberalto flute, bass recorder, wurlitzer, guitar in microtuning, 2 percussionOctober 29th 2022 in Mengi by Steinalda
Clavis Metrica (Háttatal)2022ChamberFlute, Clarinet in Bb, Harp, PercussionOctober 14th 2022 by Ensemble Adapapter in Gamla Bíó, Nordic Music Days Reykjavík
Skorpma XXXIIII - Kropið í gjótu2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXXIII - Láttu ljósið loga2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXXII - Láttu bragðið berast2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXXI - Þegar enginn fær neinu breytt2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXX - Nýrakaður og sleginn2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXIX - Hlunnfarir ekki sléttar2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXVIII - Brotið mannorð býður í te2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXVII - Gnýrinn gneistum skotinn2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XXVII-XXXIV
Skorpma XXVI - Merking og rafmagn2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XX-XXVI
Skorpma XXV - Skaunarhlað2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XX-XXVI
Skorpma XXIV - Lúfðaryndi2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XX-XXVI
Skorpma XXIII - Graut í grænu2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XX-XXVI
Skorpma XXII - Hrögg í spaði2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XX-XXVI
Skorpma XXI - Horkyndill2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XX-XXVI
Skorpma XX - Lautarbaggi2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma XX-XXVI
Skorpma XIX - Grænt te2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XVIII - Snotur þota2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XVII - Baugur vaggar2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XVI - Sklaboð frá Snorralaug2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XV - Lenni rennir2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XIV - Láttu mig dreyma2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XIII - Júní2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XII - Skurðgoði2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma XI - Skeljavellir2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma X - Grýttu þér í tófuna2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Skorpma IX - Skandalaukur2021-2022Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma IX-XIX
Dhorpma I - Sálarró2021Experimental Instruments6-108 Dhorpma Gígjas - makeable in you nearest FablabSeptember 3rd at Glasir Gymnasium
Skorpma VIII - Hraungríma2021Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma V-VIII
Skorpma VII - Steinninn flýgur2021Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma V-VIII
Skorpma VI - Lingoustine Limousine2021Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma V-VIII
Skorpma V - Eyrnasteinn2021Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma V-VIII
Landvættirnar fjórar2019-2021Chamberrecorder, flute, keyboard, guitar, 2 percussion (all players play various accessories)Premiered in Mengi on February 6th 2021. 4 Main sections, total 12 movements.
Skorpma IV - Lofið eintal2020Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma
Skorpma III - Hagið á spöng2020Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma
Skorpma II - Skot í myrkurglasi2020Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma
Skorpma I - Einar fer á sjó2020Semi-Electronicplucked strings, an assortment of recorders and flutes + electronicsOn Skorpma
Hotel Natura2018-2020Chamberflute, oboe, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, violoncello + auxillary instruments and electronicswas going to be April 18th 2020 but postponed due to Covid
Lífið Tifar2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Laufgos2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Leave me to the Leaves2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Green to the bone2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Crumbly2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Sounds like trains2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Fluggos2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Ræna laust2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Láttu mig þekkja það2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Þurrkaður pamfíll2018-2020Electronic2 channel playbackOn Skartamannafélagið 2
Horpma XVI2020Semi-ElectronicArmy of plucked stringsOn Horpma XII-XVI
Horpma XV2020Semi-ElectronicArmy of plucked stringsOn Horpma XII-XVI
Horpma XIV2020Semi-ElectronicArmy of plucked stringsOn Horpma XII-XVI
Horpma XIII2020Semi-ElectronicArmy of plucked stringsOn Horpma XII-XVI
Horpma XII2020Semi-ElectronicArmy of plucked stringsOn Horpma XII-XVI
Stífluhringurinn2018-2019Large Chamberflute, recorder, clarinet, horn, trumpet, trombone, percussion, harpsichord, mandolin, banjo, violin, viola, violoncello, electronics and various additional instruments.November 2nd 15:15 2019 Concert Series in Breiðholtskirkja
The Grief of the Bees2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Rubbing Alcohol2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Inside the Domain2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Börn og aðrir minna uplódaðir2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Leif mér að lifa2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Threnody for the Victims of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Má ég gera núna?2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Öllu skartað2018-2019Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Sumarlag2016/2019Semi-Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Vorlag2016/2019Semi-Electronic2 channel playbackon audio CD with Traktorinn
Í skuggsjá vængja þinna2019Large Chamber 2 alto flutes, cor anglaise, clarinet in Bb, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, trombone, 3 violins, 2 violas, 2 violoncellos and contrabassJuly 27th of July in Skálholt Cathederal as part of Sumartónleikar í Skálholti.
Stepping off the Cliffs Edge2019ChamberVoice and Accordion
Sinfónía nr. 12019Chamber3 winds, 3 plucked strings and 3 percussionMengi March 8th 2019
Laberico Narabida2019OperaVoice and ElectronicsDark Music Days February 1st 2019
Sitt hvoru megin við þilið2018ChamberString QuartetOctober 7th in Harpa - sígildir sunnudagar, Norðurljós
Hvalkór / Whale Choir2018ChoirChoir SSAATTBBJuly 3rd in Old Low Light Heritage Centre somewhere in the North of England
Horfðu í augun á mér á meðan ég tala við þig2018Solo1 voiceJanuary 20th in the S.L.Á.T.U.R. New Years concert in Mengi. Premiered by Áki Ásgeirsson.
Laflananam 92017Experimental Instuments4 just intonatoin recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Fersteinn Mengi, Novermber 22nd 2017.
Laflananam 82017Experimental Instuments4 just intonatoin recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Fersteinn Mengi, Novermber 22nd 2017.
Hörkvartett 62017Experimental Instuments2 just intonation harmonicas, 2 just intonation pan pipes (made by Áki Ásgeirsson) and percussion of found objects played with chop sticks.Fersteinn Mengi, Novermber 22nd 2017.
Hörkvartett 52017Experimental Instuments2 just intonation harmonicas, 2 just intonation pan pipes (made by Áki Ásgeirsson) and percussion of found objects played with chop sticks.
Hörkvartett 42017Experimental Instuments2 just intonation harmonicas, 2 just intonation pan pipes (made by Áki Ásgeirsson) and percussion of found objects played with chop sticks.
Skatthlaup2017ChamberBass clarinet and accordionDuo Taifun or Timo Kinnunen and Nina Janssen-Deinzer in Oulu Botanical Gardens.
Einvaldsóður2017OperaSoprano, Tenor/Kvæðamaður, Tenor Recorder, Flute, 2 guitars, Thranophone and Dorophone along with electronics and auxillary instruments.The old church of Árbær Open Air Museum on the 21st of October as part of Sláturtíð 2017.
Læseif2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Þvílík lofðung2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Grýttu mér í Kolagjá2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Klettasnagaspjót2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Brot á bringu2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Hárleysi á vör2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Skadistar2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Dauðasnæri - Dauðafæri2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Skothylliing2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Skortinærla.
Skjaldanbjald2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
Rökkurhor2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
Lágfótadæld2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
Agótaskó2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
Laumbryma2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
Skötuhjúgu2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
Líf í blóma2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
Hörður2017ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Fiskifluga.
The Loft2017Improvisaton instructions4 multi-instrumentalistsWritten for Field//// who premiered it at the Graffiti Gallery in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Leyfðu barninu2017ChamberBass Clarinet, Bassoon, Violin, Cello and electronicsIn Oslo, September 14th on the Ultima Festival, by Tøyen Fil og Klafferi.
Leyfðu hjólinu2017ChamberFlute, Clarinet in Bb, Violin, Cello and electronicsIn Trondheim, February 21st by Tøyen Fil og Klafferi.
Sprautaður í rassinn2016ChamberAlto recorder, Tenor recorder, electronic keyboard with built-in speaker, Accordion, Steel string guitar, and 2 percussionists playing 6 rocks each.Premiered during Nordic Music Days 2016 in Harpa Reykjavík on a concert given by S.L.Á.T.U.R.
Núðingsnæsir2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Eggjaldsspjót2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Hyggjantör2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Fjárardrag2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Löstyngja2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Skárdartog2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Krákulán2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Lofðungsmjön2016ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Krákulán.
Konsert fyrir Lokk2016Large ChamberLokkur (langspil & rokkur), Shakuhachi, Cor Anglaise, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon, 2 percussion, Harp, Guitar, Violin, Viola, CelloPremiered by Caput Ensemble and Berglind María Tómasdóttir during Nordic Music Days 2016 in Harpa, Reykjavík.
Vespuhreiðrið2016SoloTraverso and computer.Premiered in Koncertkirken in Copenhagen by Georgia Browne on a concert with Nordic Affect on July 30th 2016
Vetrarlag2016Semi-ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Haustlag/Vetrarlag
Erfiljóð handa Guðmundi2015-2016Large Chamberoboe, bassoon, 2 harpsichords, 2 percussionists and 2 violins, viola, cello and contrabass.Premiered on Dark Music Days 2016 by the Caput Ensemble on January 29th in Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavík.
Leyfðu lífinu að lifa2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Náttúrubaggi2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Tsjú2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Láttu þér líða rétt2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Látabaggi2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Horna2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Hörmagn2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Skotband2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Ölterta.
Haustlag2015ElectronicElectronic piece.Premiered on Open Days Festival 2015 in Ålborg in the Ålborg Kloster.
240° - Cantus Firmus2015Electronictenor voice and 4 percussionists30th of August 2015 at Áki Ásgeirsson's birthday party - a pastiche of his compositional style.
Illa haldinn með hor í nös2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Mér finnst ég vera að drukkna2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Gimli Love2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Hlandkráka2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Mjólka Hansen2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Pegister2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Peggur Veggur2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Sagan af Tyrkja-Guddu2015ElectronicElectronic piece.On the record Látrún.
Dokknor's Spithla2015SoloSolo ViolinPremiered by Una Sveinbjarnardóttir in Mengi on March 4th 2017.
I met Csapo in Saskatoon2015ChamberHarp and Percussion (harp is microtuned and percussion consists of porcelin bowls tuned with water or Jalatharangam)Premiered by Duó Harpverk in Sunnlenzka bókakaffið in Selfoss, Iceland, on the 3rd of July 2015.
Skálavellir2015Chamber16 porcelin bowls played by 4 - 8 players spread across a room. The bowls are tuned with water (Jalatharangam)Premiered by the composer, Andy Rudolph, Katelin M. Parsons and the band field//// in Videopool, Winnipeg MB on April 7th 2015.
Boltatilraun 22015ChamberOpen instrumentation and open number of playersPremiered by the composer, Andy Rudolph, Katelin M. Parsons and the band field//// in Videopool, Winnipeg MB on April 7th 2015.
Hyglitør2015ChamberFlute, Violin and Clarinet Using a CRU 3.2.1 Alternative Clarinet BarrellPremiered by Tøyen Fil og Klafferi in Notam Oslo on March 15th 2015
(sam)Græðsla2015ChamberClarinet Using a CRU 3.2.1 Alternative Clarinet Barrel, Accordion, Percussion, Violin, Violincello and an optional part for an open amount of players on found objectsPremiered by Ensemble KRUSH and members of Winter Academy in Schloss Benrath 2015 on January 17th 2015 in Schloss Benrath, Düsseldorf
Hafið & Örninn2014SoloSolo HalldorophonePremiered by Markus Hohti in Hljóðön in Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörð, October 19th 2015.
5 Norræn Abstraktverk2014SoloSolo Clarinet Using a CRU 3.2.1 Alternative Clarinet BarrelPremiered by Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson in Sláturtíð 2014, on October 11th in Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhúsið.
Siglitør2014ChamberFlute, Violin and Clarinet Using a CRU 3.2.1 Alternative Clarinet BarrelPremiered by Tøyen Fil og Klafferi in Sláturtíð 2014, on October 9th in Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhúsið.
Sporgýla2014OrchestralChamber Orchestra of 36 instruments (3/3/3/3, 4/2/2/0, 4/4/4/4/2, 2 percussion no tympany)Premiered by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra on October 4th 2014 at City Halls, Glasgow.
Oktett 82014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Fengjastrútur or Fersteinn at some point, I forget
Oktett 72014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Fengjastrútur or Fersteinn at some point, I forget
Oktett 62014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Premiered at Eiðar Composer's Farm August 2014 by students and teachers of the course.
Oktett 52014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Fengjastrútur or Fersteinn at some point, I forget
Oktett 42014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Fengjastrútur or Fersteinn at some point, I forget
Oktett 32014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Premiered by the composer, Andy Rudolph, and the band field//// in Videopool, Winnipeg MB on April 7th 2015.
Oktett 22014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Premiered by the composer, Andy Rudolph, and the band field//// in Videopool, Winnipeg MB on April 7th 2015.
Oktett 12014Open Instrumentation1-7 performers of any sound sources that can produce 5 specified sound categories and electronics.Premiered in l'impremere Ephemere Brussels on the Fersteinn tour in June 2014.
Laflananam 72014Experimental Instuments4 just intonatoin recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Premiered in De Player, Rotterdam on the Fersteinn tour in June 2014.
Laflananam 62014Experimental Instuments4 just intonation recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Premiered in Basel at Christoph Schiller's Atelier Konzerte on the Fersteinn tour in June 2014.
Laflananam 52014Experimental Instuments4 just intonation recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Premiered in De Player, Rotterdam on the Fersteinn tour in June 2014.
Laflananam 42014Experimental Instuments4 just intonation recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Premiered in l'impremere Ephemere Brussels on the Fersteinn tour in June 2014.
Hörkvartett 32014Chamber2 just intonation harmonicas, 2 just intonation pan pipes (made by Áki Ásgeirsson) and percussion of found objects played with chop sticks.Premiered by Fersteinn in the European tour of 2014
Hörkvartett 22014Chamber2 just intonation harmonicas, 2 just intonation pan pipes (made by Áki Ásgeirsson) and percussion of found objects played with chop sticks.Premiered by Fersteinn in the European tour of 2014
Hörkvartett 12014Chamber2 just intonation harmonicas, 2 just intonation pan pipes (made by Áki Ásgeirsson) and percussion of found objects played with chop sticks.Premiered by Fersteinn in the European tour of 2014
Mamma að pikka á tölvu, sumarið 19882014SoloToy pianoPremiered on a solo recital by Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir in Mengi 25th of January 2014
Skrund 32013 - 2014Chamber4 clarinets with a special extension, 3d printed (called 3.2.1 comes with the score)Premiered on the Slátur new years concert in Mengi 2014.
Skrund 22013 - 2014Chamber4 clarinets with a special extension, 3d printed (called 3.2.1 comes with the score)Premiered on the Slátur new years concert in Mengi 2014.
Skrund 12013 - 2014Chamber1 standard clarinet and 3 clarinets with a special extension, 3d printed (called 3.2.1 comes with the score)Premiered on the Slátur new years concert in Mengi 2014.
Laflananam 32013Experimental Instuments4 just intonation recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Some Slátur concert in 2014
Laflananam 22013Experimental Instuments4 just intonation recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Some Slátur concert in 2014
Laflananam 12013Experimental Instuments4 just intonation recorders (plastic recorders tuned specifically for these pieces)Some Slátur concert in 2014
Kvartett 182013Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Some Slátur concert in 2014
Kvartett 172013Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Some Slátur concert in 2014
Kvartett 162013Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Some Slátur concert in 2014
Horpma XI2013Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Horpma X2013Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Horpma IX2013Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Horpma VIII2013Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Horpma VII2013Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Horpma VI2013Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Horpma V2013Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Spurningaleikur2013ChamberAlto Recorder, Viola, Accordion, 5 percussion/found object performers.Premiered by Fengjastrútur on Sláturtíð festival 2013.
Sólarlag við Tjörnina2013ChamberWritten especially for Fersteinn and lots of different instruments including prepared ones.Premiered in August 2013 as part of the exhibit: „Frá lúðrum að lýðræði.“ In Hljómskálinn in Reykjavík.
Surun2013Mechanical Computer controlled pipe organ.Premiered at the Kirkjulistahátíð or Sacred Arts Festival in Hallgrímskirkja Cathederal in August 2013.
Mistur yfir Edinborg2013ChamberDetuned Saxophone, Harmonium, Accordion and a harmonica with alternate tuning.Premiered at the 2013 Slátur New Years Concert in the house of Ingi Garðar Erlendsson in Holtsgata. The piece is also known as Korgel. It was premiered by Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir, Helga Kristbjörg Guðmundsdóttir, Bára Sigurjónsdóttir and the composer.
Horpma IV2012Semi-Electronic27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.On Horpma IV-XI
Kortamel2012ChamberBaroque Traverso, Baroque Violin, Viola and Cello + HarpsichordIn the Nordic Affect concert series in fall 2012, by Nordic affect
Safmana2012SoloPiano soloIn August 2012 in Il Chiostro di Santa Caterina, Treviso, Italy by Roberto Durante
3 lög fyrir Harmóníkku2012SoloAccordion soloExperimental Winter, Taipei, Taiwan 2017 by Timo Kinnunen
Horpma III2012Chamber27 plucked string instruments in just intonation.March 3rd 2012 on the first Tectonics Festival in Reykjavík.
Laur2011-2012Large Chamberflute, bass clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, percussion, piano, violin, viola, violoncelloPremiered in Myrkir Músikdagar or Dark Music Days 2012.
Skálaróla2011MechanicalBowls tuned with water in just intonation played mechanically.Premiered in Sláturtíð 2011.
Marfjall & Hafkar2011Large ChamberFor contrabass flute soloist and a flute orchestra of 10 (6/2/2).Premiered in the fall of 2011 with the Icelandic Flute Choir and soloist Mathias Ziegler on Contrabass Flute. Th concert took place in Langholtskirkja.
Grafgata2011 (revised, 2013)OrchestralFull Orchestra - attn. conventional notationPremiered in concert during Tectonics 2013
Færibandið2011Open InstrumentationFor audiencesCommissioned by Pamela di Sensi. Performed in various places, often with children.
raBalilabalila2011ChamberAccordion and PianoPremiered in Riga, Latvia by Timo Kinnunen and Anna Veismane in the fall of 2011.
Harskjall & Svellkar2011 (version for 10 flutes, 2013)Large ChamberFlute choir of minimum 14, preferably 18 (2 bass, 4 alto and the rest c concert flutes). Also exists in a 10 flute versionPremiered by the Icelandic Flute Choir on the 16th of July 2011 at Summer Concerts in Skálholt.
Hrammdæla 72011Open Instrumentation4 soprano recorders or any other set of 4 identical instruments capable of long glissando notes.Premiered at a portrait concert in Von in May 2011. Performers were Katie Buckley, Jesper Pedersen, Páll Ivan frá Eiðum and Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson
9 Langspilslög2011Experimental Instruments4 Specially fabricated Langspil in just intonation.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 152011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 142011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 132011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 122011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 112011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 102011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 92011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 82011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 72011Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Mardigosa2011ChamberSaxophone /with preperation, Trumpet, Accordion and VoicePremiered by Ensemble l'Arsenale at the MATA festival in New York, 2011.
Mardiposa2011ChamberSaxophone /with preperation, French Horn, Accordion and VoicePremiered on the National Radio by the Mardiposa quartet on Easter 2011.
Hrammdæla 62011Open Instrumentation4 Recorders. Originally in the dome of ÁsmundarsafnPremiered in Safnanótt or Museum Night as part of Vetrarhátíð í Reykjavík.
Hundi2010 - 2011Chamber8 Aluminum cansPremiered at the Slátur new years concert in 2011.
Vargarð2010 - 2011ChamberViolin and piano, both with preparations.Premiered by Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir and Una Sveinbjarnardóttir in Dark Music Days, 2011.
Kvartett 62010Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Performed in various places by the group Fersteinn
Kvartett 52010Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Premiered in Sláturtíð 2010 by Skmendanikka in Útgerðin.
Kvartett 42010Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Premiered in Sláturtíð 2010 by Skmendanikka in Útgerðin.
Hakkalamaka2010ChamberFlute, bass clarinet, piano, cello and electronic soundsPremiered by Defun Ensemble in Sláturtíð 2010 in Reykjavík.
Njarharður2010ChamberHarp and percussionWritten for Dúó Harpverk and performed in their tour of Iceland, Denmark and the Faroe Islands in 2010.
Draumbót2010ChamberFlute, bass clarinet, harp, percussion and piano.Premiered by Ensemble Adapter at the Frum Festival in Reykjavík in June 2010.
Harsamvaða2010SoloPrepared pianoPremiered by Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir in the Raflost Festival 2010.
Kvartett 32010Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Premiered at a house concert at the composers apartment in Eskihlíð, Reykjavík, in 2010. The piece is also known as Sigliton.
Hrammdæla 52010Open Instrumentation4 soprano recorders or any other set of 4 identical instruments capable of long glissando notes.
Hrammdæla 42010Open Instrumentation4 soprano recorders or any other set of 4 identical instruments capable of long glissando notes.
Hrammdæla 32010Open Instrumentation4 soprano recorders or any other set of 4 identical instruments capable of long glissando notes.
Hrammdæla 22010Open Instrumentation4 soprano recorders or any other set of 4 identical instruments capable of long glissando notes.
Hrammdæla 12010Open Instrumentation3 instruments capable of long glissando notes in the same pitch space.Premiered in Slátur New Years concert in 2010.
Horpma II2009Semi-Electronic27 plucked instruments in just intonationPremiered in Tectonics 2012.
3 Langspilstríó2009Chamber3-5 Specially fabricated Langspil in just intonation.
Kvartett 22009Open InstrumentationFor four equally different instruments.Premiered in Sláturdúndur in December 2009.
Njarður2009ChamberHarp and percussionPremiered in the fall of 2009 by Dúó Harpverk in Café Rósenberg.
Harfgreni2009SoloUpright piano with one string per note. Tuned in Just intonation.Premiered by Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir in Sláturtíð 2009
Atómas2009Experimental Instruments5 Specially fabricated Langspil in just intonation.Premiered in Happy Nordic Music Days, Oslo 2009.
Kvartett 1: Lardipésa2009Open InstrumentationOriginally: corneto, banjolin, deer grunt call and soprano recorder.Originally just a multitrack recording.
Ramminjálgur2009ChamberFlute, Harp and Percussion.
CalmUs2009Chamber2 French Horns
Handarbaka2008-2009Chamber8 Bassoons
Hafmars2008Large ChamberConcert bandPremiered during the Slátur Marching band competition in 2008.
Horpma I2008Large Chamber27 plucked string instruments in just intonationMade to be a recording only. Never played in a concert hall.
Volma2008Open Instrumentationopen instrumentationPremiered during Kría Brekkan fer á Hestbak at Secret Project Robot, in Brooklyn in 2008.
Harmaaarg2007SoloVoice and electronicsPremiered by Sally Ann Duke at Maybeck studios Berkeley in December 2007.
Staðlafell2007Chamber5 percussionPremiered during Music for People and Thingamajigs in Oakland 2007.
Fluggor2007ElectronicAudio Playback, 2 channels. 1 hour of multitracked prepared recorders in just intonation.Premiered on the radio show Somnambutone on free103.9 in New York.
Skula2007Chamber2 percussionPremiered at the Septima de Facto concert on 7/7/07 in Anima Gallery in Reykjavík.
Skurn2007Open Instrumentation4 groups of performers.Premiered by the CPE in Mills College.
Golma2007ChamberAmplified string quartet. The output is processed in the same software that renders the score.Premiered by Quartet Opabinia in Mills College in 2007
Ferkul2007SoloSolo Flute with electronics
Þrílækja2007Chamber3 saxophones, 3 percussion, 3 stringsSignal Flow 2007
Draggrýta2006 - 2007ChamberBrass sextetPremiered in Slátur New Yers concert in 2007.
Hingra2006ChamberBass fllute and percussionPremiered by Berglind María Tómasdóttir and Frank Aarnink in Dark Music Days 2007
Shalote2006Chamber2 soprano voices and pre-sampled electronic sound.Premiered by Melody Ferris and Kimberley Miller as part of the concert Melodykimbolism in Trinity Chapel, Berkeley, 2006.
Tvífleskja2006SoloPercussion Solo (with video and electronics)Premiered by Shayna Dunkelmann on her graduation recital in Mills College, December 2006.
Beygjilína2006Chamber3 identical instruments capable of glissandoThursday Night Special, Mills College.
Snargrýtisskjalda2006Open Instrumentation4 groups of instrumentalists
Landranon2006Chamber4 recorders tuned in just intonation.Berlin Summer 2006, Wendel. Hestbak.
Selbol2006Chamber3 violoncellosPremiered in a Slátur summer solstice concert in 2006 in the Living Arts Museum.
Boltatilraun 12006Chamber2 soprano saxophones and 2 alto saxophones
Strengisandi2005ChamberString Quartet - attn. conventional notationQuartet San Francisco in Mills in 2005
Skarstirni2005ChamberAlto flute, clarinet, bassoon, electric bass, percussion and electronics.Premiered by Atón in Iðnó January 2006.